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It rained on me like descending clouds Flickering lights were seen behind. A glass wet and weeping The ominous apparel of the angel; In the stairwell of heaven...
Dost thou understandeth not Unleashed evil on thy doors Thy senses in ropes Knotted Ancient deities Personification of the evil In nature and man In woman I...
Of the high virtues in praises With common denominations Time shall be defeated lest Songs are sung for the times Carried in hearts and on tongues In soliloqui...
City of few lights Candles that burned Hardly In many centuries The way was for caravans Of silk On the edge when once The great king had halted Those damsels ...
Under a heavy stone Hand stuck for the pledge of love Living with the sweat on my forehead What a difficulty my heart thou art in The freshness of the spring an...